Thursday, January 20

Just trying to stay warm in the deep freeze

 Happy Friday, everyone.
I hope you bundle up tightly, and have yourself a cozy weekend.
'Cause it's going to be a cold one!

Here's a lighthearted song for your weekend from the adorable Canadian artist Jenn Grant:
(the video is filmed in Halifax too!)


Sweet Pea (formerly Alice) said...

I love your blog and this post! Had to write about it!

Marisa Seguin said...

Cute song! I've never been to Halifax before. Love how colourful the buildings are!

It's supposed to be a cold one here in Milwaukee, too! Stay warm!

k said...

Oh man those totally make me cold! But they are so pretty :)

Anonymous said...

oh boy am I glad we have NO snow at the moment ;)

Nancy said...

Lovely photos :) It's snowing in ny right now and then a super-cold weekend ahead. Those colorful shingled houses in Halifax remind me of Providence, Rhode Island! Fun video.

Anonymous said...

Ugh... tell me about it. It's damn cold!!

keishua said...

yep, it's too cold for words. However, the refuse to cancel work or school so I had to brave it. I hope you are at home warm.

Melanie's Randomness said...

Ohh yea it's cold! We got more snow here in NY over night! Wow that's a cool pic of the ice on that lil ledge! Stay warm! Layers & lots of tea! =)

Melanie's Randomness

kendall k. said...

beautiful photos! very ominous.

Ashleigh said...

Look at that ice - wow!
Happy Weekend, stay warm :)

Tess said...

gorgeous pictures...stunning

Unknown said...

It's soooo cold outside in Chicago!!! Brr! Have a good (warm) weekend!

Aspiring Kennedy said...

here are my two cents...or thoughts, i suppose.

1. pretty eyes, my friend. :)
2. yes, this video & artist is CUTE. i want to be her friend. :)

Elizabeth said...

Loved that song!!!!!!!!!Thanks for sharing! Stay warm.


Vintage is for Lovers said...

Stay warm this weekend! xo Samantha

Melissa said...

Love Jenn Grant, especially her Dreamer song. I've driven through Halifax, but I was in a small-town mood so I didn't stay. Have a great weekend despite the chill - it's cold here in Ottawa too!

heather said...

I cringe at all this cold weather I've been seeing in your neck of the woods! I used to be able to identify with it in Patagonia... But now I just feel healthy tingefuls of guilt for not wearing my puffy jacket every day! Sending you warm thoughts!

Diana Mieczan said...

Those are such a pretty photos...Its also freezing here and Im planning to spend the day cozy on my sofa:) Wish you a great Sunday, darling

AMY said...

HI......I'm a new follower! I LOVE your blog!
I'm in Minnesota and trying to keep warm too.
Great photo's!

Amy's Life @

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos!
Greetings, Zondra Art