Sunday, November 28

Weekend Moments: Back in Montreal Again

This weekend was my mother's 50th birthday, and I hosted a little cocktail party for her at my apartment... which meant a lot of cooking and preparing, but I love that kind of stuff ; )

 I wore my new polka dot tights, which make me smile every time I look at them.

I baked tons and tons of macarons for the party and they were gone within minutes of putting them out.
 everyone said they looked like mini chocolate hamburgers
... can't argue with that I guess!

I bought these little green pom pom flowers at the farmer's market...
aren't they cute?!

I got to play around with my uncle's vintage Diana camera, and now I really want one!

On Sunday morning we met friends at Rumi (a Middle Eastern restaurant in Montreal) for a very different kind of brunch... it was delicious actually.

And then we went to the market to pick out our Christmas tree. Finally! I've been waiting to get it all month (I know, it's ridiculous!) but my husband insisted on waiting until December.  
(Because last year we got it so early it was practically dead my Christmas)
 But today he caved and agreed since it was almost December 1st.... and I was like a kid in a candy shop! And now to start decorating it....
I hope you had a lovely weekend too.


katie walker said...

wow looks like a great party! those macaroons look soo good! and i love your tights.

Anonymous said...

What a beautful weekend...:-) Love your tight. textured tights, THE best!
xxx Emily

Melanie's Randomness said...

aww Happy Birthday to your Mom!!! I love your tights & the macaroons!!! =)

Melanie's Randomness

Chrissy said...

What a great weekend!

Crazy Sweet Life (Brianna) said...

Cute tights hun. And those macaroons look so good!

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

I bought pom flowers for this weekend too. P.S. - I'd love your macaroon recipe :)

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

glad you got your tree- Happy Bday to your mom- totally cute tights and they do look like Chocolate hamburgers-
Have a great week!

Tiffany Kadani said...

I love those tights so much! And that camera just looks so awesome. Glad you had a fantastic weekend!

Jude said...

Happy Birthday to your mom! I love your adorable tights and those chocolate hamburgery macaroons!

Hope you've a great week ahead!

Melissa Blake said...

omgosh, they do look like hamburgers!! And they look sooo delicious!! xoxo

Elizabeth said...

Your cookies look like fancy bakery cookies! I am with you - I always want Christmas up as soon as possible - because we are doing the Nutcracker I am not able to get all the decorations up as soon as I would like...Nutcracker is this weekend and then I will have the time to do my decorations! Then I never want to take them down...I have been known to have various Christmas items still around in February - crazy I know!

k said...

aw your w/e looks like it was so fun!!! i love your polka dot tights :)

Anonymous said...

Cute tights! And you did a great job with the macarons. You have a tree already? I like having one early, too... it puts me in a christmassy mood :-)

Okie said...

Nice...looks like great fun. :)

Carla said...

Awesome pictures!

Redhead In Law

and flowers pick themselves said...

looks like a lovely time. i can totally understand why those macaroons were gone so soon!

xo Alison

Anonymous said...

I've tried like 12 times to make macaroons and I fail every time. :( Yours look so pretty.

the southern hostess said...

What a lovely weekend! Your macarons are perfect!

Chiara said...

I used to always get my tree at the Atwater Market too!!
Those macaroons look delicious xoxo

Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday to your mom - you certainly threw an awesome party! Love the macarons and the tights !! And was that shakshuka at brunch? I've been wanting to try it....

Unknown said...

Sounds like the perfect time! I love the tights, those macaroons are killing me right now and I can't wait to get a tree too!

Erin said...

the macarons look delicious... and is that shakshuka that you had at the Middle Eastern restaurant? So tasty!

Lady Grey said...

it is shakshuka, and it was delicious! I'd never had it before... and I loved it!

LL said...

i saw that you commented on Cup of Jo, and couldnt' help but notice... you're "lady grey", i'm "lady lyles".. i just had to check a fellow lady out. : ) i'm going to be making macaroons for the first time to prepare for my gingerbread house party and i hear theyre mighty temperamental. any pointers or favorite flavors?