Monday, October 4

Monday and Wishing it was Sunday

Don't you just wish the weekend could last forever?
Two days is oh so short. 
I didn't get everything done that I had intended, but I did get to spend some time outside in the crisp autumn air with some of my dearest friends.
So I guess it was a successful weekend, after all.

I hope your weekend was restoring and revitalizing, and I wish you a smooth start to your week.


Diana Mieczan said...

I also love weekend...I wish we would have 3 days weekend all the time...hahha...Wouldn't that be fun? Have a sunny Monday,sweetie pie

this free bird said...

Wow - your title pretty much read my mind! hehe


Anonymous said...

Loved this weekend. It was beautiful. And I was right near montreal this weekend as well!

Wusel's... said...

yeah, it was much too short...I love the fall...

Melanie's Randomness said...

I love that the leaves are changing colors! Yeah seriously it there was a way to make an 8 day week where there is 3 days on the weekend it would be soo cool! Happy Monday tho!

mermaid gallery said...

Monday morning swimming at the public pool rocks too.....

Anonymous said...

Oh tell me about it! A three-day weekend would be so much better, that's what my husband always says... But for me weekends are usually busier and I've started to look forward to Mondays. Weird, eh?

Blogs said...

i've been wishing that all morn:) have a nice week lovely

Melissa Blake said...

This weekend really, really felt like the beginning of fall to me! And YES!! Why can't the weekend last longer? :)

Jude said...

I couldn't agree more! Weekends are too darn short - though I can't complain about the lovevly autumnal change in the air :) Hope your week goes wonderfully!

Ashleigh said...

I always miss Sunday on Monday :(
Glad you enjoyed some crisp weather. We had mostly rain and wind - ick.

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Beautiful pictures. I wish every day was a weekend.

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Thanks- you too!

I do kind wish it was sunday though.

hobovogue . said...

gorgeous leaves... yeah the weekend was def a lil short, mostly stuck in my room cramming for midterms =(

<33 [v] hobovogue

Bianca said...

Oh my goodness, I wish more than ever that the weekend was 3 days long- all the time! At least next week is thanksgiving monday and I get my wish- if only for 1 week!


heather said...

yes, two days is SO short, and really unneccesary. If everybody just worked 4 days a week, we could all have 3 days off and it would create more jobs too! :)

but enjoying some crisp autumn goodness with friends sounds lovely too!

k said...

to do lists are the pits :( they stress me out...but just put "spending time outside" on it then it might feel better :) :)
(p.s. must tell you about the giveaway on my blog today, it's cute, you might like!)

Bekah Mae said...

The weekend is entirely too short. But we wouldn't appreciate them if not for those busy weeks, no?