Tuesday, October 5

The Look of October

I just can't get enough of fall fashion.
All the textures, the tights, the layers, the boots,
and always with a little bit of skin showing to top of the look.

...because it's not that cold out yet, 
and because nothing looks better than a thick wool scarf wrapped around an open décolletage, or some bare leg peaking out between tall boots and a knee length skirt, or exposed ankles below rolled up pant legs. I just love the look of October!

(images from the Anthropologie October catalog)


starcakeastrology.blogspot.com said...

anthropologie rocks... sigh

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

I just got my anthro catalog today- oy vey!

Bianca said...

I could not agree more!


k said...

I agree! So October here has been insanely gorgeous...way better than September I think :)

Anonymous said...

I love the look of October - it's very Bohemian! And for once, I'm with it!!! I'm wearing a flowy black dress to my knees, with leggings, and over my dress I have a long, tan sweater that matches the length of my dress with buckled high black boots. Wow. I did something right in the fashion world for a change!!!

Diana Mieczan said...

I love October and everything that comes with it...Such a stunning images,sweetie

ps: I am hosting a really sweet GIVEAWAY today, so please join in:) ...I bet you will love it!!!

mermaid gallery said...

I love boots! finally get a chance to wear my lovelies again! great images....enjoy the fine fall weather!

Jude said...

I love fall fashion and how cozy it all feels! Sigh, lovely pictures, as always :)

abigail said...

I love Fall fashion!
And every time I look at the Anthro catalog I want to get my hair cut like the woman in the first photo.
Too bad I'd look like a lampshade.

Blogs said...

yay for fall! i have to literally search the internet to feel like it's actually that time of year:) thanks

Unknown said...

the clothes are beautiful but wow what a location! wish I had some ready cash to kit myself out and lounge in such an interior...

Martina said...

Me too! I love my boots and i love cardigans and layers. Happy october :)

Anonymous said...

I'm enjoying it, too, actually! Because it's not THAT cold yet. I hate it when it's freezing out!

Liesl said...

Love this look, October and Fall!

Liesl :)

Jess said...

Loving that first look with the fur and the gorgeous colored handbag - I love fall fashion!


this free bird said...

Anthropologie really knows how to capture a season now don't they. That first picture with the coat? Oh the coat.


BARESTUDY (Janelle) said...

love the photos. i cant wait to wear my coats! although, i miss summer already. ha ha! i'm glad to have found another canadian blogger. i'm from vancouver! come visit me and hope you follow my blog too! thanks, hun.


Sara said...

I love fall fashions too! These pics are so good :) They def make me wanna work on my wardrobe tho!

Ashleigh said...

I haven't thought about it before but there really is a 'look' to October. And I love it! The bag color in the first photo is great!

Pinecone Camp said...

Oh God I want that coat and bag in the first shot!!!
I love all these images. A beautiful location too.
Loved your guest post on the Southern Hostess. I have to visit your beautiful city soon.

Tiffany Kadani said...

I want all of these! Seriously, can I please be an Anthropologie model?

ag. said...

i love the orange of that first bag! just gorgeous...so perfect for fall!

Bess Callard said...

Fall fashion is so warm and cozy - but not like winter when you just pile on layers of clothes to protect yourself from windchill factors :/
The coat in the first photos is gorgeous!!