Friday, October 22

Have a Warm and Fuzzy Weekend!

I'm so happy the weekend is here. It's certainly been an intense work week... plus I'm still in shock from the season finale of MadMen (although I did enjoy the Montreal reference via Don Draper's new girl).

I hope you have a glorious & sunny weekend, and I'll see you back on Monday.

And for your weekend, here are a few fun links...


Anonymous said...

So jealous you found a caterpillar!!! I love them but rarely see them where I live now...

Monique said...

Whoa! That giant clothes pin is so clever. Have a great weekend.

Melanie's Randomness said...

I'm so happy too that the weekend is here!! It's been a buzzy week!! Aww I love fuzzy catepillars!! Enjoy the rest of Fall!! I really need to catch up on Mad Men ASAP!!

Chrissy said...

That hanging garden is incredible!! And the giant clothespin is awesome!
Great finds!
Have a great weekend!

Tiffany Kadani said...

Gorgeous photos! Have an awesome Friday!

Anonymous said...

Haha maybe I should make that beer bottle xylophone for my son to take to his music class. Think his teacher'd like it?

Jude said...

What perfect photos for a cozy weekend! I love that first one, especially :) Have a fantastic Friday and weekend! (yup, I'm thrilled this rough workweek is over too!)

Bianca said...

OMG, Mad Men was nuts...Don Draper is so ridiculous and that Joan, I knew she kept it. I cant wait for next season!

Have a lovely weekend:)


Melissa Blake said...

TGIF! It's been a long week, so I'm glad to be able to relax this weekend!

Katy said...

happy weekend!!!!! Enjoy it! ;-)

christine, just bella said...

oo! I love that little fuzzy guy!!

Have a great weekend!!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

I absolutely LOVED the caterpillar and the title of this post together :)

Hanna said...

Really great fall fealing pictures!

Elizabeth said...

Your pic of the road and trees is really beautiful!


Renee said...

The hanging garden is incredible!! Have a great weekend!

Regan said...

I love these photos!! They remind me of fall!

Joanna said...

Beautiful photos! Fall is my favourite.

I've been hearing about the "miracle fruit"...definitely curious about it!


This a great time of year to take pictures! Great blog. My first time visiting.

misslikey said...

oh how I love romantic charm of the autumn..beautiful photos

heather said...

Super cute! Hope you've been enjoying a beautiful weekend! I love your bit of fuzziness here too! :)

Diana Mieczan said...

Those photos are so sweet and pretty! Wish you a wonderful Sunday,sweetie and thank you for grabbing my button:)...So sweet of you:)
I also got your...Hugs and kisses and see you Monday

k said...

wait, madmen has already ended! oh my goodness. I need to catch up.