Saturday, July 31

What's Growing in the Country Garden

the perfect shade of purple

Broccoli is so cute when it grows, don't you think?

Have you ever had fried zucchini flowers?

slim pickings on the blueberry front

very very sour grapes

and wild chamomile, my all time favourite!

So these pictures are from my parents garden in the country...  my balcony garden in the city is so much smaller than this. 
One day I'll have a big one  though : )
Do you have a garden? What do you like to grow?


Wusel's... said...

I don't have a garden and it's a pity...Wonderful pictures. What is the first one?

Fit With Flash said...

We're in the process of buying home now. CAN'T wait to start my garden! Until then it's the farmer's market every weekend and produce from my friends' gardens. Sigh. One day...

k said...

i want to have a garden someday :) i will grow all of the tomatoes and basil i can! and cilantro!

Unknown said...

I do garden - we have the organic farm in BC. I tried eggplant for years, but was never successful!!! Hope your parents do better than I.

orange sugar home said...

we do have a garden that sadly doesn't get that much attention with camps and the pool and the park in the summer. We just pulled a cucumber the length of my forearm from our little neglected patch. It lasted us 2 days. Miracles all around us. These photos are delightful!

Lila said...

I was going to pick my blueberries but the morning I went out they were all gone, anything eating yours?

I am having a giveaway, come check it out.

Lady Grey said...

Joe: it's a mini eggplant.

Bella: I think the only thing eating our blueberries is little sneaks like me!
: )


and flowers pick themselves said...

that definitely is the perfect shade of purple. i love it!

xo Alison

Erika said...

I'm so envious of anyone who has a garden. I've always wanted to have a little vegetable garden of my own, but in Manhattan it's not so feasible. Someday...

Jen said...

I don't have a garden but would LOVE one! I hit up the local farmers market every week but would love to be able to just pick things out of my own garden. Is that first picture of a red onion?

Blair McLeod said...

wow i love your parents' garden!! i have a black thumb but would LOVE for it to turn green!!

Ashleigh said...

Your pictures always make me calm for some reason :) I love zucchini but have never tried fried flowers - didn't know that was an option! Do tell us more!