Friday, July 30

A Little Bite of Paris

My parents just got back from vacationing in Paris, and they, of course, loved it! Who wouldn't, right?! Just like when I was little, they brought me back a small gift... a decadent box of confections from the lavish Foucher candy shop. 
Everything that comes out of that city is so chic & sophisticated. You should have seen the way this box was wrapped, it felt like I was opening up a diamond engagement ring!

Oh how I love Paris!


Anonymous said...

Funny you should mention diamond engagement rings today (like my post!)! I love Paris, too!

Anonymous said...

Yours is also a romantic story! He must have been so nervous - at least I would have been - carrying around a ring for an entire week!!! But did you know that he was going to ask?

Wusel's... said...

Oh, i know Foucher! It's wonderful! And I love Paris!I've been there some years ago and it's absolutely unforgettable!

Barbara von Enger said...

Ah, a little bite of the city in which I live - how delicious! Your parents must have had a grand time in Paris. Foucher is so exquisite, too. Have a nice weekend;-)

k said...

i'm silly for good packaging, i love it :)

Ashleigh said...

I get a little too excited about packaging sometimes but that's the point right?? Looks yum yum. Paris is so gorgeous...*sigh*

Happy Weekend Doll!

Lynzy said...

How I would love to travel to Paris! <3

xo Lynzy

and flowers pick themselves said...

oh, how lovely! they look delicious.

have a great day, dear!

xo Alison

Anonymous said...

I loved Paris. especially the shoes.

ALFIE said...

SUCH lovely pics! can't wait till i am in paris myself one day :)

fresh365 said...

Ahhh are right, everything is so lovely that comes from there! I am so hoping to fiinally visit this year!

mina said...

I had those in Tokyo! They were so amazingly delicious.

nevin said...


Dottie said...

Beautiful! I will be taking my first trip to Paris next month and I'm so excited.

rachel said...

wow, those look amazing (and delicious)!