Friday, July 9

I Heart These Handmade Sea Urchin Poufs!

These eco-friendly chunky knit poufs are handmade by Dutch designer Christina Meindertsma
Each sea urchin pouf takes around 6 weeks to complete. 
Aren't they gorgeous?!

Her knitting needles are the size of Broomsticks!
I love this image of her creating this giant knit... she looks so happy.

I would love to own one of these, they look so comfy!


Crazy Sweet Life said...

I love these poufs! They are so original!

Anonymous said...

These are so cute! Look very comfy, too.

Deepali Kalia Interior Design Blog Filling Spaces said...

How cute,and yes ty look comfy tooo

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

love these too!

Anonymous said...

These are intense... and I LOVE THEM!

jules @ The Diversion Project said...

oh my - how fabulous! love the image of her knitting - that's so cool. jx

nevin said...

these are absolutely gorgeous!! Thank you XX

the southern hostess said...

I love these. Those knitting materials are insane!