Wednesday, July 28

Balloons To Make You Smile

Lately I find myself drawn to balloons.... real balloons, pictures of balloons, hot air balloons, balloons on t-shirts or coffee cups... anything. They are such an icon of happiness. 
Even the spelling of the word itself is happy, b-a-l-l-o-o-n!

So for your Wednesday, here are some balloons to make you smile....

(necklace from Freshly Fig)

 (mug set from Swirly Garden)

(fabric pin by Blue Manatee Buttons)

(Print by Tim  Gorichanaz)

Nobody can be uncheered with a balloon
~ Winnie the Pooh 

Have a happy hump day!


Make, Do & Send said...

I love the winnie the pooh drawing! Nothing beats the original illustrations from the book :)

Anonymous said...

I went to Red Robin yesterday and there were balloons everywhere! Balloons are magical & mystical. The thought of them going up into the air, and you don't know where they've traveled or how far is always so cool!

Big Dadddy said...

Love that first one, a ballon in the big city, so happy!

Blogs said...

AGREED! balloons are so happy:) Enjoy the day!

Lynzy said...

Just found your blog! This post made me smile! Especially the pin and hot balloon necklace! I may just have to make a purchase!
I am now following you, follow me?

xo Lynzy

and flowers pick themselves said...

i adore this post! balloons are the greatest thing. i love those mugs!

have a great day, doll!

xo Alison

Emily said...

balloons are so fun. I am totally loving that hot air balloon necklace that is so unique and fun. Lovely post!

ALFIE said...

love that second one the best :)

Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Love the mugs- so cute-

My monkeys are ALWAYS into balloons

You are right they make eveyone happy-

I love getting them for friends on their birthday- so easy to pop in and get one and it makes for a larger celebration.

Martina said...

Winnie is so right! And you are - you just cheered me up :) Have a nice evening!

k said...

these were delightful :) i love the dog one!

Ashleigh said...

Love this post! There aren't enough balloons in life as we get older :)

Diana Mieczan said...

Balloons are really special...They always make me smile and the one from Winnie the Pooh is soooooooooo adorable:)


Not a Paper Cup said...

lol. You definitely made me smile! and thanks for visiting my blog :)

suzy said...

the mug set is fantastic.
and your blog is adorable.

Kristin W said...

They really do bring a smile to your face! All of those pictures really just brightened a stressful day! I love the Dior perfume ads (print and tv) with the girl floating into the sky holding on to balloons :)

Lady Grey said...

Big Daddy,
Thanks, the first one is my own : )

Giovanna said...

the boy in the hot air balloon makes me happy, but the mug set is my favorite.