Friday, June 25

Tea Roses from the Garden.... what a lovely way to start the weekend

The weekend is here and my apartment is filled with the subtle smell of freshly cut tea roses from the garden. Blissful. I hope your weekend is filled with a similar subtle sweetness. 

Here are some links.


Ren- Lady Of The Arts said...

Really really love those flowers- I covet them.

Anonymous said...

I was born & raised in Plattsbugh, NY, and every year we hung out at the Jazz Festival in Montreal. Loved it. Miss it. Can't wait to go back at the end of the summer!

Tamara Stephenson said...

Hi Lady G - love the pics of those beautiful roses - made my weekend. The most wonderful part to blogging is you can quickly find like-minded folks and their beautiful inspirations in a way that wasn't possible before. I have always loved tea roses (they were my moms favorite flower and reminds me of her), and although I am a bit of a gardener, haven't quite figured out how to grow these flowers.....I envy them. xo tamara

Beach House Living said...

Those are some beautiful roses! They just look like they smell heavenly.

christina said...

honey, these flowers are love. deep sigh, for beauty.

marie said...

beautiful photos! Especially the last one!

orange sugar home said...

happy weekend to you!! can't download the yoga video but it looks great. the tree photos are amazing!!

elena nuez said...

i love tea roses from the garden....!!!
have a great weekend!!!