Thursday, June 3

Emily Grace and the Yellow Suitcase

This jewelry is beyond beautiful, and it's made from the most unique material...

"This isn't just about recycling. It's about learning to imagine the things we use and discard in an entirely different way. It's about turning trash into something beautiful and useful, because there rests both a creative challenge and a wonderful symbolic image in an idea like that"

You'd never know it, but these incredibly beautiful necklaces are made from recycled plastic shopping bags!  Visit Emily Grace's Suitcase to see more. I am absolutely smitten!


Anonymous said...

You're right. These are so beautiful!

Beach House Living said...

Shopping bags? That is incredible imagination to have even thought of doing that.

Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Wow. And they're so beautiful.

Nancy said...

Wow, these are beautiful! Hard to believe they are made from shopping bags. Great find.

orange sugar home said...

they are stunning. wasn't expecting it. They are sooo very original. love them.

Aspiring Kennedy said...

The bright blue flowers are perfect for summer. Good find... I think we should have a giveaway!! :)

Lady Grey said...

I know, a give away would be fabulous, wouldn't it : )

Shannon of HAPPINESS IS said...

Oh wow, those are gorge! I was gonna say felt or some sort of fabric. Nice find :) xo

Bekah Mae said...

Super cool! I love that they are very unique as compared to what most jewelry designers are doing today.