Tuesday, May 11

What's on your back burner to-do list?

We all always have a million things on our to-do lists, but what's on your back burner to-do list? The one deep in your heart.... you know, the stuff you always say you'd love to do but never do.... like hot air ballooning or learning another language.
Here's mine:
  • Learn to knit
  • Climb Mount Kilimanjaro
  • Become a wine connoisseur
  • Make homemade ice cream
  • Run a marathon (....ok maybe a half-marathon!)
Is there anything you've always wanted to do, but just haven't found the time for?

(image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4)


  1. i think we are living parallel lives. my life to do list is exactly the same (and i LOVE lists) although kilamanjaro is a bit agressive (-:

    i also want a beautifully organized and well labeled pantry.

    "without leaps of the imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. dreaming, after all, is a form of planning" - gloria steinem

  2. Get a motorcycle license so I can get one of those darling little Vespa scooters is one thing on my list.

  3. photograph the sun coming up. and take family photos... make a tart...
    i could go on. lol

  4. Learn to sew, drink my way through Italy, find that rebate receipt from my router

  5. Hi LG - thank you for stopping by Nest by Tamara and leaving such a cheerful message. I love your blog and am now following....the images are lovely....my daughter is enamored with anything anchors and would love that tote as well, all for $20 nice to meet you and I look forward to reading your blog. tamara


Any thoughts? I so love to hear from you!