Monday, May 10

The tiniest bells

Do you remember this song?

White coral bells upon a slender stalk
Lily of the Valley deck my garden walk.

Oh don't you wish that you could hear them ring,
That can happen only when the fairies sing.

We used to sing it in elementary school. It always plays in the back of my mind every spring when I first see these pretty, white bells. Aren't they lovely!?

Happy Monday to you!


  1. Happy Week to You:) Those are the prettiest flowers ever....we have loads of them here! How fresh and welcoming:)

  2. They're fantastic! So quaint and beautiful

  3. I don't know that song, but Lily of the Valley are one of my favorite flowers :)

  4. that is the sweetest song! I'm not familiar with it at all. Maybe I can find it on youtube.


Any thoughts? I so love to hear from you!