Wednesday, May 12

The planting of a balcony garden - part 1

We're still having crazy temperature highs & lows here in Montreal, but I couldn't take it any longer... my little seedlings needed to go outside! They were rather sick of the windowsill, after all. 
So far I've planted mint, rosemary, dahlias and pansies. The basil, coriander & dill are still inside (as per my mother, transferring them would be a little too risky right now). But all in all, my balcony garden is coming along nicely.


  1. This is inspiring. My balcony could use some love

  2. Oh looks lovely! We are going to work on our deck hopefully this coming weekend :) xo

  3. Beautiful photos!
    We have the same highs & lows in Chicago lately - spring came but left again :(
    Hope your week is fabulous!

  4. Like those dahlia's. It's still too chilly here to plant anything.

  5. i love rosemary... it has such a great aroma on top of being great for cooking


Any thoughts? I so love to hear from you!