Tuesday, May 18

Indian Ice Cream

There's this incredible little Indian restaurant down the street from our apartment, which we frequent probably a little too often. My favourite thing on the menu is their homemade kulfi (a frozen Indian dessert similar to ice cream). I wanted to try to recreate it at home, but didn't have any condensed milk on hand. So I mixed up something similar using regular vanilla ice cream, cardamom, pistachios and almonds. While it wasn't exactly the same texture, the taste was amazing and it totally hit the spot!

Read on for the recipe!

Lady Grey's makeshift Pista Kulfi  - Indian Ice Cream

1 cup vanilla ice cream, thawed for 5-10 minutes
1/4 pistachios, chopped
1/2 cup skinless almonds, coarsely ground, or almond meal.
1/4 tsp cardamom powder

Mix together until well blended. Then divide into individual serving dishes and return to freezer until ready to serve.


Tanya (a Taste of T) said...

Yum. I'm always so impressed with your cooking

orange sugar home said...

sounds so good! I am a huge Indian food fan too- not to mention ice cream! what great pics you take. photo envy for sure!! what kind of camera do you use?

Punctuation Mark said...

That looks sooooo yummy!!! need to look for a recipe for it!

Lady Grey said...


my camera is a Canon XS... it's an entry level SLR camera, and so far it meets all my needs!

Elie: here is a recipe for the real kulfi which I've been meaning to try out:


Unknown said...

yum, that sounds delicious - I love indian food and make a rice pudding with cardamom. Hmm, now I'll add that to tomorrow's menu!

Anonymous said...

I love indian food. That sounds yummy!

Ashleigh said...

Yum Yum - please post a recipe!

P.S. Having a grateful giveaway on my blog - come enter!http://ashleightimchenko.blogspot.com/2010/05/grateful-giveaway.html