Friday, May 7

I hope your weekend is colourful and full of life!

(image: RHLS upcycled spandex)

Have a wonderful, fun-filled weekend everyone! 
This week has been crazy busy for me. I haven't had a day off in so long, and although I have to work late tonight, I will be free after that for the entire weekend. Pure Bliss!!! Folks, I will be heading out to the country for some much needed R&R with my mother!
In the meantime, here are some links:
  • Models without make-up ..... phew! They are human after all!
  • Love this back to school tee & tote
  • The crazy workout &diet Gwyneth did to get in shape for Ironman 2
  • Improve your mood with 5 minutes of daily greenery... we already knew this, but now it's scientific!
  • check out this building in Osaka that is lined with plant pots.... Imagine the poor guy who has to water them all!
  • and now I leave you with Beyonce's new video, which gives me uncontrollable urges to clean my apartment in 4-inch heels:



  1. Sounds like a well deserved break. Enjoy!

  2. I love this! Makes me want to spice up my weekend

  3. im loving the quirkiness of this post.
    it appeals to my adventurous side greatly.
    your blog is a bit spiffy too btw!
    i rather enjoy it!
    have fun being lovely! x


Any thoughts? I so love to hear from you!